Back, again...
Yeah-yeah... It's been a while - work was crazy, I had some computer problems that I haven't fully resolved yet, yaddada-yaddada...
And right now I'm almost over a nasty cold that I had tail-end of last week/first half of this week... The only symptom left is that my lymph nodes absolutely REFUSE to drain, giving me the feeling that my head is going to explode from the jawbone back ("And THANK YOU for sharing that," I hear you say... Tough! You grumble about the fact that I'm not posting, you get what I feel like posting!)
On a lighter note, I took some long-overdue vacation time last week and spent part of that week in New York. As often happens, a couple of odd signs caught my eye as I was out and about.
This one, I spotted on the way to catch my transportation:

Now I have to admit that, at first glance, I thought that offering a free buffet at a women's health-club/weight-loss-center was wildly inappropriate. But on a moment's reflection I realized what a brilliant bit of marketing it was: Anyone who would be drawn in by the free buffet is EXACTLY the sort of person that they are trying to bring in!
On a similar note, I saw this one near the Port Authority Building in New York:

Again; it seems incongruous at first glance (or at least, it seemed so to me...), but THINK about it...
If they can walk in, then it's PROBABLY NOT THAT BIG A PROBLEM!
I mean, if someone just decides to walk in off the street into your foot care center, they probably don't have the sort of foot problems that could lead to you getting sued for misdiagnosis/mistreatment! And in any case, you're STILL billing by the hour!
It makes perfact sense.
At least in THIS world.
More later... my head just went "boom" again.
Though for Today:
"I know I've made some poor decisions lately, but I'm feeling much better now." -- HAL-9000
Heh. Some people take pretty pictures of landmarks, nature and the like. I like the concept of grazing at the buffet just before I try out the elliptical.
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