Tuesday, January 18, 2005

Okay... So that's vaguely amusing...

I post a screed-Lite regarding the inappropriateness of the idea of "supporting the Troops" with a symbol that says "You're an idiot, but we love you anyway". And Google sees the references to the "Cordon Jaune" (Let's see what Google does with THAT!) and proceeds to serve up ads for companies offering to sell you the very same simulated "strips of gold-colored fabric" that I was grumbling about.

Sorry for the circumlocutions above, but if I actually spell out "Y*LL*W R*BB*NS", they'll just run more ads for them.

Now THIS is just TOO brilliant!

A police exercise with the stuff of mystery
Q: Where’s the blue suitcase with explosives inside?
A: ??

The Associated Press
Updated: 5:38 p.m. ET Dec. 7, 2004

PARIS - Somewhere in the world, there’s a navy blue suitcase with a small pack of explosives tucked in its side pocket.

Four days after police at Charles de Gaulle Airport slipped some plastic explosives into a random passenger’s bag as part of an exercise for sniffer dogs, it is still missing — and authorities are stumped and embarrassed.

You can read the rest of the story here.

It's really sad when the best thing that you can come up with about the weather is that "tomorrow it's supposed to warm up enough to snow".


Closing thought for today:
"How can you be expected to govern a country that has two hundred and forty-six kinds of cheese?” -- Charles DeGaulle