About those pictures...
It's true, as Amysue pointed out in her comment on my last post, that I find the oddities that I see in the world more interesting than the "pretty landscapes", etc. It appears that I may need more "leavening" in my world than most do - or at least, a different FORM of leavening.
As an example, I find that MY opinion of when the fall foliage colors "peak" is different from the news-critters' opinion. In my opinion, things peak when there's still green foliage visible, for the reds and yellows to play aginst. Once everything is "autumn-y", I lose interest - it's back to being all one thing, agin - it's just moved halfway around the color wheel... big deal! It's when the span is from blue-greens, through true greens into the yellows, oranges, and reds, that there is contrast and interest.
I suppose that it's similar to the way that my musical tastes run. I LIKE straight-on music - Art Tatum, Beethoven, Janis, Ella, et.al. But mixed in there, I NEED my Whisky Before Breakfast (Rock 'n' Roll with bagpipes), Don Angle (Ragtime harpsichord), and Babaloo (Punk Mambo).
So, getting back to the items tha I find to photograph; again, it's the odd juxtaposition - the element that (arguably) has no place being what and/or where it is that fascinates me.
As examples; presented for your approval...

Sorry about the quality of this one - it was shot at dusk, looking west (that is - INTO the shadows) with eveything on automatic. At that point, without a rest of some sort, the picture WILL be blurry. I just didn't dare take the time to change the settings for fear of missing the shot.
A while ago, walking around town, I (again) noticed something odd, which made me curious, and led to more cheking and led, evntually, to this picture:

As near as I have been able to tell, EVERY fire station in town has a fire call-box on the front of it. Which, of course, raises the question: WHO ARE THEY GOING TO CALL? Or if it's for public use, wouldn't it be easier to open the door and shout: "Hello-o-o-o...! Your firehouse is on fire! Hello-o-o-o-o!!"
As I mentioned in my last post, I went to New York for a couple of days, recently. I had gone a while previously and had snapped some pictures of local oddments then, as well.

This, for example, is apparently what happens if you screw the manhole coves on too tight.
More later - I want to walk the dog and get settled in before "Heroes" starts.
Heroes. We are running behind (I know with only three episodes that's pretty dorky) but have them all taped. However, saw the end of last nights-YIKES!
I remember you expressing this opinion about autumnal colors during a walk at Walden Pond long before I had the kiddies and when Guin was small, so you are nothing if not consistent in your tastes.
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