Okay - So I Guess It HAS Been That Long...!
And a month passes like nothing.
February was a *BUSY* month.
First the city had its annual Winter party - music, drinking, and stupid human tricks - for which I was cranking out promotional stuff before the fact and walking around during the event taking pictures and video to use for NEXT year's promotional stuff.
The following week was spent trying to recover from that and start getting caught up from the work that didn't get done in the run-up to the aforementioned blowout. The following weekend, we spent a day at the annual Boston "Boskone" science fiction convention, wandering and catching up with friends, before driving down to New York to stroll through the Christo installation "The Gates" in Central Park, wander around the city, and get stuck for an extra day because of a snow storm.
The next week I spent trying to do a week's worth of work in three days, FINALLY got a weekend of relaxing planned, only to find out that my housemate is taking a new job in Pennsylvania and I've got to start advertising for, and (hopefully) scheduling interviews with, prospective new roommates.
And we had more snow.
And that about catches us up to date! (*Whew*!)
So how was YOUR month?
And for what it's worth... I know that a lot of people ragged on the installation, but Guin, Skia (my ex-, and Guin's mother) , and I all loved the Gates. What the news reports and reviews didn't go into were the facts that the gates were placed irregularly - you might get a group of three or four, then a gap, then ten of them in a row - and that since they varied in width with the width of the path where they were standing, and they all (IIRC) were vertical, and not canted over regardless of the slope of the path, that they each seemed to have been SPECIFICALLY placed where they were. It was not just "Grab one at random every twenty feet, set it up, and let's go home." This was a carefully thought out work. They were enjoyable to walk through, and looking through the ones on your path and seeing the choices that you could make up ahead, or the ones on the path off to the side that you didn't take, really brought out the relationships between the paths - without the gates, you may see people walking in the distance off to your right, but with the gates, I felt, oddly, MORE connected to those other people.
My only complaint was that the uprights were, apparently, square cross-sectioned plastic tubing over a steel frame. I carry a walking stick whenever I'm out, and I'll often idly rap light poles, mailboxes, etc., as I walk past, to hear what tone they make. The gates didn't ring, they *thunked*, losing points with me for not being audibly interesting, as well as visually interesting.
While we were in New York, we took the tour of the New York branch of Madame Tussaud's Wax Museum. We had a blast! Below are a few of the pictures that we took while there:
Here's Guin showing off some of her work to an obviously-fascinated passer-by:

Here, she and Skia are taking an opportunity to increase some therapist's income:

And I'm taking advantage of an opportunity to do something that I've always wanted to do!

Well, I guess I've given you enough excitement for one day; don't want to overdo it, after all!
Closing thought for today:
"Yield to temptation; it may not pass your way again.” -- Robert A. Heinlein
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