I'm Ba-a-a-a-a-ack!
Lawzy me! Things have been hectic around here for a while.
Between the old housemate moving out, everyone coming down with several various strains of cold/flu/lurgi/whatever, and the daughter being in the procsss of moving in here while finishing final projects of her Senior year at art school and dealing with impacted wisdom teeth that she couldn't take the good painkillers for, since she WAS trying to finish projects and graduate...
And that's not counting MY work, and pulling a couple pf all-nighters to provide moral support/serve as dead weight while she was assembling the said final etcs...
And the weather here has been depressingly cold and/or wet for pretty much the entire spring...
But, because some of you (and you know who you are) were FOOLISH enough to ask for it, I'm back with the latest installment in this waste of bandwidth that is my life.
But, hey - if you think I'VE been out of it, check this guy out:

The poor Leprechaun's been passed out on the roof of that bar since St. Patrick's Day!
Now THIS one scares me:

"Embrace the ReMax, Luke... It is... your Destiny..."
But, as mentioned above, the big news was The Kid finishing stuff up and graduating (Woo-Hoo!)
Below are some shots of Guin and her Degree Project. I happen to think that it's pretty neat! (I'm especially impressed because - while I am pretty good at 2-D artwork, if I do say so myself, as shouldn't - I am almost completely incompetent at 3-D. (In fact, she'll take the power tools away from me if I try to do any home repairs...)


And, of course, one of the New Graduate with the Proud Mother...

On a different note - I saw this the last time that I was in Boston. The building is the former Fleet Center, the arena built on the site of the old Boston Garden. I have to say; I like it - it's sick and silly and it does the job.

Closer to home, the neighbors who use the park across the street from my apartment are still slobs, but at least they have a sense of symmetry...

So that's the news from here. Not really worth the wait, was it?