Yet More Weirdness in My Little Corner of the World...
Before I post the latest batch of observed weirdnesses, I'd just like to stress that I do NOT go out of my way looking for these. The world is an odd place, if you only look around you.
Case in point: I live on one of the main roads in and out of town, heavily traveled by commuters and commercial vehicles, some of them driven by VERY skilled drivers.
Drivers who can hit a sign that's a good six and a half feet up, and which extends, at most, an inch and a half beyond the other sign on the pole, and never TOUCH that other sign.

This shows a level of skill and nicety of judgement that is just plain impressive.
And, while we're on the subject of trucks (or perhaps this should go into the "Where are they now?" category), have you ever wondered what Porky Pig has been doing since his cartoon career dried up?

...Apparently, he's shilling for a meat packer...
...Frankly, I'm a bit uncomfortable with this but, hey, a pig's gotta eat, y'know? And if it comes down to a choice of being the one ON the truck or the one IN the truck, then - what the heck - it's every pig for himself, if you know what I mean!
Also in the "Where are they now?" category: Have you wondered what ex-Veep Dan Quayle has been doing to keep himself busy?

It would appear that he's now writing point-of-sale signs for CVS pharmacies. (No snarky comments here, just the observation...)
Although, to be fair, at least Dan can do basic arithmetic, which is more than can be said for SOME local merchants!
I've posted before about the odd pricing on some items at the local grocery chain, but this is weak, even for them:

So far, I will grant you, it looks pretty normal; but let's look a bit closer, shall we...?

2 packs for $5 - saving the customer $2.98. So this means that, normally, two packs of paper towels should cost $7.98 (5.00 + 2.98 = 7.98). Following from this, we can see that the price of a six-pack of paper towels must normally be $3.99, since 7.98/2 = 3.99.
And, sure enough, looking at the package we can see that it does, indeed, normally cost...

... uh... $4.49...
No, wait a minute - that can't be right...
I SWEAR I honestly DON'T go out of my way looking for these things... People really ARE that stupid!
... As if the re-election of the Sock Puppet wasn't proof enough of that...
But, then, how can you expect the average voter to recognize what a weasel (Sorry, weasels!) Dubya is, when so much of the mainsttream press is giving him so bloody MANY free rides?
I mean, look at the Karl Rove/Valerie Plame thing... The Sock Puppet went from "I'll fire anyone who revealed an undercover CIA agent's identity" to "I'll fire anyone who is convicted of revealing an undercover CIA agent's identity while riding a unicycle during a hailstorm between the hours of 3:55 and 4:00 PM on the Fourth of July of any Leap Year..." and, as near as I can tell, NO ONE is holding his feet to the fire on this!
Or what about his "proof" that he fulfilled his military service: The best that he could come up with, during the last half of his term of duty was that he was on base at one point to have some dental work done.
Ignoring, for the moment, that this is, apparently, the ONLY thing that he could come up with to prove that he ever went within a hundred miles of his duty-station for the last half of his tour - All he can come up with is that, as the son of one of the richest families in Texas - the poster-boy for self-reliance, small government, and "Welfare is Evil"-Republicanism - he GOT HIS FRIGGIN' TEETH DONE AT THE TAXPAYER"S EXPENSE!??!
And with that, I'll leave you with this
ClosingThought for Today:
"If you would know what the Lord God thinks of money, you have only to look at those to whom he gives it.” -- Maurice Baring